A New Season---A New Reason-----
February 28th—on this noontime run I soon realize that I am soon upon a new season. I must now leave the winter cave.
As I pushed through pre-March winds on my run I found myself suddenly aware of the early warmth surrounding me like a warm towel after a razor shave. I looked to the side of a nearby field and saw early green blades of “daffodils to come” peaking into the Carolina blue sky. For whatever unknown reason at this particular moment my spring awakening had arrived. I was really going to leave the cave.
Through the cold & dreary winter months I, as many others do, let myself slip into so sort of winter retreat from hard training miles by foot or bike. Great excuses abound as ice & snow cake the highways, byways & paths normally traveled. The notion of a low level of, “maintenance exercise” quickly sets in place. What also sets in place in the notion that while my legs have stopped pedaling or running great amounts of miles, the knife-fork-and spoon continue at a higher anaerobic pace. Thus, well you know the results: just look in your mirror.
Some suggest that pure & unadulterated vanity leads us to get serious about our training programs soon after the frivolities of St. Patrick’s Day have ended. The winter wardrobe is set aside as we look to our spring & summer attire. That is when we realize how we have changed in the months since that clothing was put away. Surely there was an evil spirit in that closet that caused those jeans or slacks to shrink!
But why so much? Don’t think for one moment that all of this happens due to some New Year’s resolution. Nah----vanity!
In years past I always looked to a spring marathon as a great reason to set my plan to work on distance & speed. March miles usually translated into June smiles. Since I’m not planning to run another marathon anytime soon, 50 was/is enough, I now will look to cross training to help me reach my immediate goals. That means: 2 inches off my waist! Yes the place—my waist--where all the glorious wine I drink goes to. Thank God my butt is forever small.....and yours?
I loaded my trusty metal steed into my truck this morning and drove over to see my cycling guru’s Charles & Jay Cox at Mock Orange bike shop. As I plan to get back on the horse, as they say, I know that my Tomasso ride sorely needed some TLC from the bike experts. While they handle the relatively easy part of tuning up my ride, the next chapter & verse is up to me. I must promise not to apply my brakes as I go by the Hot & Now sign at the Krispy Kreme shop! Now talk about true sacrifice!
I have also set my goal for this exercise year on learning how to kayak. Having seen so many folks enjoying themselves kayaking on the New River I decided that this must simply be next item on my bucket list to be taken care of. In years past I have competed in canoe events, but not ever in a kayak. At least there is an absence of Krispy Kreme shops along the river!
So that is it for me—for now. Plans do change. Yet I am pleased that this new, “season” has finally arrived. It is time for blood—sweat--& beers!
Have you left your cave? Will you “Make Dust” in your new season? Rock on…….:)
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